History - Angelis suis

Oct 02, 2015 (Teresa Clark)

in the last neume of mandavit, the gv renders as gx. Tried adding a spacing character.

"(c3) AN(egf)ge(f)lis(f.) *() su(hfghvF'Ege/fg)is(f.) (;) man(f)d\u00e1(hf/h!i'j//)vit(gxhffe!gvFE.) (`) de(e) te,(ed/feffd/ef!hvvF'E//f!gwh/ihh/fgf.) (:) ut(hh) cus(h)t\u00f3(h)di(h)ant(hg/hi!jvHGhhg , i_hivHF) te(fhF'Efhhf//hvvGF'heed.) (:) in(d) \u00f3(d!e'f)mni(f)bus(f.hvGF'g) vi(e)is(f) tu(hf/h_i)is.(ih/ijI'H , jh/jkIG'hvF'E//f!gwh!iv.h!i'j , ijijHF'gwhf.) <sp>V/</sp>.(::) In(f) m\u00e1(h)ni(hi)bus(i) por(ij~)t\u00e1(jvI'HG'hvF'E , ge/f!hh/ijij. , hj!kvIG'hvF'E//fgF'Ef. , i!jwk_jkvJI)bunt(ji~) te,(i.) (:) ne(i) un(k.i!jw!kvJI')quam(i) of(ij)f\u00e9n(j_hjvIH'hf//hhfhv.hhh_f , hi!jvIHjvIHif)das(f.) (:) ad(d) l\u00e1(d!e'f)pi(f)dem(f.hvGF'g) *(,) pe(e)dem(f) tu(hf/h_i)um.(i_jH'Ghi..) (,) (e!f'h/h'jIH'GF'gwhf.) (::)"

in last neume of mandavit, the gv renders as gx.